My sugar gliders are such a treat to have in my life. I look forward to getting them out everyday after work and play with them. They LOVE affection and to be loved on all of the time! By looking at sugar gliders for the first time, you would think that they are no use but to be an ornament in a cage. They look like they don't want to be touched or anything...WRONG!! THey are just the opposite! Sugar Gliders want to be petted, loved on, kissed on, and ofcourse fed sweet treats as much as possible! Sugar gliders require LOTS of attention from humans and they can be such a lovable pet.
My 'Poptart'- when she is happy, she licks my fingers or my neck if she is hiding in my shirt. She is showing affection. They are soooo cute when they look up at you with those big black eyes. You can't help but fall in love with them!
Heres 'Poptart' when she was a baby!

My sons 'Sylvester'- is such a sweeeet glider. He NEVER chatters. He and Poptart will occassionaly bark early in the morning...WAY early in the morning...but I just get up, go in there and say hi to them and then they are happy after that. Then they will go into their little eatable hut with their king/queen shaped little bed and wait for us to get home from work and school.
They love their belly rubbed (which is the most vulnerable part of their body). If you get them to trust you with their belly, you are doing something right!
Their underbelly is the most suseptible and the most sensitive part of their body where predetors grab for the kill. You have to mess with their belly alot to get them to trust you.
I LOVE my sugar gliders and extremely glad we got them. They are a blast to watch and play with and we will have them for many years to come God willing.
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