Daily Nutritonal DietA Delicious Frozen Recipe to use as needed
25 oz unsweetened applesauce
4 oz Dannon non-fat plain yogurt
3 oz concentrated calcium fortified orange juice, no water added
3/4 c Old Fashioned Oats (NO QUICK COOKING OATS)
1 T fresh ground flax seed or wheat germ, refrigerated
In a large mixing bowl, with a wooden spoon, mix the applesauce, oats, yogurt, wheat germ and orange juice. Divide into two equal portions. To portion one, add: 3 small or medium eggs, scrambled. To portion two, add: 3/4 lb unseasoned, unsalted, broiled shredded chicken.
Add 3/4 cup various chopped or precut fruits and vegetables to each portion. Freeze flat in quart size freezer bags (1/2" or less thick). If you choose to use pre-cut frozen produce, do not use vegetables which have a high ratio of corn.
Break off a frozen piece of the basic mix.
Feeding schedule should be:Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday: Basic Mix
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: Basic Mix Plus Mealworms (about 20 per glider)
Don't feed beef, seeds/nuts, or cottage cheese to your gliders. These are high in phosphorus. Avoid feeding anything with preservatives, sugar, or color additives. Keep the diet low-fat.
Daily exercise is vital. Exercise helps bones absorb calcium and stimulates bone thickening.
Always try to aim for a high Calcium to Phosphorus ratios.
Daily Staple:Monkey Biscuit
Sugar Glider Cereal
Enrichment Supplement:Pure apple juice diluted with half purified water 3-4 times per week.